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Promote large -scale equipment renewal and consumer goods to the demand for steel with the old replacement

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During the two sessions, Zheng Zujie, director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said: "Last year, the scale of equipment in key areas such as China Industry and Agriculture was about 4.9 trillion yuan." In the future, "equipment update needs will continue to expand, and the initial estimation will be a year -on scale of 5 trillion yuan. The above huge markets. " Equipment renewal will mainly support four major fields: equipment, construction and municipal infrastructure equipment, transportation equipment, transportation equipment, old agricultural machinery, education, cultural tourism and medical equipment. From a multi -dimensional perspective of equipment stock, equipment supply, and equipment renewal classification, steel companies can focus on the growth and change of steel demand for equipment manufacturing customers.

First of all, the amount of equipment owned by equipment manufacturing is large. Equipment purchase is an important part of fixed asset investment, and the investment in fixed assets of industrial enterprises generally accounts for about 70 %. Since the Bureau of Statistics will no longer announce the investment in the industry's equipment after 2018. Refer to the historical data of 2017, the purchase investment amount of single large -scale industry equipment accounts for more than 2%of the purchase investment in the whole society, accounting for 57.5%. Among them, 6 are equipment manufacturing, namely metal products, general equipment, special equipment, automobile manufacturing, electrical machinery, electronic equipment, totaling 27.6%; 3 are upstream of manufacturing, which are non -metal mineral products, rubber, rubber The manufacturing of plastic products, chemical raw materials and chemical products; two are downstream of the manufacturing industry, which are agricultural and sideline food processing and textiles; three are the production and supply industry of real estate, public facilities management, and power thermal power. Considering the characteristics of the equipment manufacturing industry's own technical reform and short upgrade cycle, the equipment manufacturing industry itself is undoubtedly the main object of equipment update needs.

Secondly, the equipment manufacturing industry will provide a number of new equipment around the update and transformation of equipment for key industries. The "Plan" clearly proposes that the update and transformation of key industry equipment will focus on new industrialization, and use energy saving carbon reduction, ultra -low emissions, safety production, digital transformation, and intelligent upgrading as the main direction. Electricity, machinery, aviation, ships, light textiles, electronics and other key industries such as production equipment, energy use equipment, sending and transmission and distribution equipment such as transmission and power distribution equipment. In addition to the electronics industry, the 10 industries supported by the "Plan" "Steel" is high. According to the China Iron and Steel Industry Association's "2023 steel market supply and demand situation and development trend in 2024" released by the China Iron and Steel Industry Association in January, the demand for mechanical steel in my country in 2024 was about 191 million tons, a year -on -year decrease of 2%. Driven by the equipment renewal operation, the demand for mechanical steel is expected to maintain a steady growth trend. From January to February 2024, manufacturing investment increased by 9.4%year-on-year, and the growth rate was 2.9 percentage points faster than 2023, 5.2 percentage points higher than all investment, especially the investment in technological reforms increased by 15.1%year-on-year, an increase of investment in manufacturing investment year-on-year, an increase in manufacturing investment. The speed is 5.7 percentage points.

Third, the update category of equipment manufacturing equipment is differentiated. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, since 2020, the growth of equipment and equipment has maintained growth. The update scale of key industry equipment can also be analyzed from the scale of depreciation of waste steel. According to my steel network data, the total output of waste steel resources across the country in 2023 was 249 million tons, a decrease of 0.31%year -on -year. Among them, social scrap resources were 203.84 million tons, a year -on -year decrease of 0.47%. The depreciation scrap steel was 169.88 million tons, an increase of 34.61 million tons in 2022, mainly due to the incremental contribution of the automotive and shipbuilding industries. The production of scrap steel in the machinery and energy industry decreased year -on -year. In terms of policy support orientation, the "Plan" proposed that the scale of equipment investment in 2027 increased by more than 25%compared with 2023. Equipment updates will mainly rely on energy equipment and digital equipment. The proportion of capacity of the level has increased significantly, and the popularization rate of digital R & D design tools and key procedures of industrial enterprises above designated size exceeds 90%and 75%, respectively. In February, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Advanced level, energy conservation level and access level (2024 edition)" of key energy product equipment and equipment, and expanded the coverage of energy product equipment to 43 species, as key industries as key industries The equipment update provides guidance, and related equipment will be the focus of this round of equipment update. The characteristics and needs of steel should be paid attention to.

Key enterprises in equipment manufacturing will benefit even more. The "Plan" clearly proposes that "the scope of funding support for renewal and recycling projects in compliance with qualified equipment is included in the scope of fund support in the central budget." The "Government Work Report" states that the investment in the central budget in 2024 plans to arrange 700 billion yuan. This round of "equipment update" is expected to configure the incremental quota in the budget. From the perspective of past policy support, the sources of "replacing the old new" funds are mostly dominated by the central government. The subsidy methods are mostly re -loan and tax reduction. It is expected that subsequent policy support will highlight the guarantee of key industries and key enterprises. Large -scale equipment manufacturing industries are expected to be here here Play a greater role in this operation.

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